Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Death of Christianity

By Dr Bob Wilkerson

Many believe that Christianity is dead or dying. I disagree with this idea and I believe Christianity is stronger than ever. But, there are those who believe Christianity should die and I disagree with this as well.

Definition of religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing A moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

I read an article on the subject of Christianity dying and I have been pondering the subject for a while. I fully understand why the aversion to using the word "Christianity" can be distasteful and unwarranted but there is no way to crush the movement of Christianity. The word it's self refers to the followers of Jesus the Christ. The word is a biblical term referring, used first in the New Testament, to followers of Jesus the Christ.

I am not ashamed to call myself Christian. If calling myself Christian is religious then I am guilty of being religious. I think that many Christians are afraid of the word because the world associates it use with religion and those who have given Christianity a bad name. And, I too am guilty of failing the cause of Christ. I have failed miserably to walk the traditional Christian walk. I am sinner and I am desperately in need of a savior.

After reading the definition of religion, I would have to say that maybe, as distasteful as it sounds, I might have a few religious bones in my body. I do adhere to specific set of beliefs and I do have ritual observances, such as the Lord's Supper that I partake. I tithe a tenth of my income to the church I attend. I am not a fundamentalist but I do have fundamental beliefs, like, Jesus rose again and by pure “GRACE”. I am reunited with my Father through His son.

I am aware that religious people, actually the Jewish religion, were the focus of Jesus attaches on religion. I believe what Jesus disliked so much about the Jewish religion of His day was the fact that its heart was far from God. Yet, He love them so much He gave His life for the Jew first. God loves the religious people just as much as He loves the non-religious people.

Pride of superiority: I believe if we, Christians, start pointing our fingers at others who failed to hit the mark where will it end. We can access their behavior and realize it is wrong but where have we failed. What sins are we guilty of? What sin is your choice? If you say you have no sin, according to the bible, we call God a liar.

I don't know. I am a Christian; above anything else in this world, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. There is no doubt in my mind Jesus died, rose again, and sits at the right hand of my Father. I depend on Him for my very breath. It is my pray for God to bless all people of all religions, and may they bend their knees now while they have the chance to volunteer.

Dr Bob Wilkerson is founder of Challenger Christian Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping others recover from life altering circumstances. Dr. Bob is a motivational speaker with true life story of God's power to change any individuals life. If your Church or organization is looking for a dynamic speaker please email him today.

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