Thursday, April 5, 2007

Same Sex Marriages And Religion

Different religions may have the same attitudes to same sex marriages and this attitude may be called one and the same word, prohibition.

Islam has strictly prohibited all kinds of same sex marriages. As per the Quran 7:80-1 "And Lot! (Remember) when he said unto his folk: Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you? Lo! ye come with lust unto men instead of women. Nay, but ye are wanton folk." Hence, no form of same sex marriage is allowed in Islam and it is considered a sin. Despite the wide variations between different Christian denominations, which often specifically include different views of sexuality, it is possible to draw a general picture of the underlying views and Biblical doctrines. The basis of many Christian views comes from the idea that human sexuality was created by God with the twin purposes of procreation and intimacy bringing a sexually active couple into a close emotional and spiritual relationship through the close physical relationship. As such, it should be restricted to a monogamous, lifelong relationship between a man and a woman: marriage. Marriage is a commitment to a close and lasting relationship and a basis on which to build a stable family. Because of the emphasis on the procreative function of sex, relationships and specific acts that do not lead to conception are frowned upon or expressly forbidden in some denominations. Though most Christian denominations now accept contraception within marriage, no Christian denomination permitted it before 1930. According to most Christian teachings, engaging in homosexual acts is considered sinful. There are, however, individual Christian churches and denominations that are open and affirming of homosexuality. Liberated Christians points out that the ancient teachings against premarital and extramarital sex were misread throughout previous centuries. According to this faith, the New Testament does not prohibit unmarried sexual activities. There are two viewpoints about same sex marriages in Christianity with some churches in favor of and some against it.

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