Thursday, February 28, 2008

Rock Spirituality - The Religion of Rock

By []Matthew Lacey

Do you sometimes feel as though Rock N' Roll is your religion or spirituality. Is there a philosophy behind being a musician or a Rocker. I feel that there is. As a member of The Rock Warrior Alliance I adhere to the teachings of Rock Spirituality. Rock Spirituality is akin to water. It can change forms any times it needs to yet it is not something different when it changes.

Water in a bath tub takes the shape of the tub yet it is still water. Rock Spirituality has been known to take the form of many different religions and spiritualities. It as a hybrid of truth based on the teachings of love from Christianity, and Compassion and Wisdom from Buddhism. It is known to follow the Tao, It is Zen, and It is one with Allah. It's everything useful about religion and spirituality and a rejection of everything useless.

One of the main questions I get is, "Your different so what you consider useless is something I might find useful." If this is your question than I must say follow your own path. Not everyone can take the Rock Warrior Path. The Rock Warrior Path chooses you. You didn't choose to be born but you were. I didn't choose to be a Rock Warrior but I am. The Rock Warrior knows that being a Rock Warrior is just a title. In Rock Spirituality you choose your own tenets you consider useful as long as no harm is brought to others. The way of The Rock Warrior is not to hurt. Bruce Lee said Jeet Kune Do was not to hurt. Was Bruce Lee a Rock Warrior. You bet he was. He was a Rock Warrior who preferred Martial Arts to be his art.

Rocking and Music are both arts. Art is Art. JKD is only different in form, in space they are all expressions of the individual. JKD was not a set style with a set list of moves that never changed. It was a personal quest to discover what it meant to be free. New moves were added and removed depending on the individual. The Rock Warrior is no different.

Please Visit The []Rock Spirituality Site if you wish to know more, or visit the practitioners site []Zen Guitar And The Way Of The Rock Warrior
To Learn all the ways of rock go here... []Zen Guitar And The Way Of The Rock Warrior

Approved By The Rock Warrior Alliance

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