Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Never Ending Battle of Religion and Science

By []Sumaira Zaheer

The relationship between science and religion has been on the rocks ever since the beginning. Religion, whose knowledge is based merely on faith and beliefs in the supernatural things, which are too abstract to put into test to verify their credibility, relies on subjective methods for finding the truth.

Science on the other hand requires countless intricate experiments and laborious efforts of theoreticians to make sense of a data and to prove its credibility. According to science a thing is real unless its existence can be verified by tangible facts, while religion makes us believe in the divine concepts, for which we are too puny to ever understand them properly.

Although many great scholars and scientists say and have proved that when it comes to science and religion to talk about one is to talk about another. That is to say that science and religion are both different ways of finding the same truth. While religion thinks that science is deviating people from God, science works hard to find the proof of God. According to Richard Dawkins, religion makes predictions about the real world while science put them into testable scientific theories.

However, the two have co-existed besides all the differences, though not so peacefully but with mutual consent on both sides, which permitted both of them to carry on their individual missions without meddling into each others affairs. But before this mutual concord, the history of violence regarding religion against science is quite huge and might go back to the time when the first person on earth, for the first time in his and earth's life, might have made his first logical assumption, about the first thing that has been technically observed by him. Anyway let's not go too far, we all might be familiar with the Galileo affair, remember the poor the guy who was charged of felony for supporting the idea that Earth revolves around the sun instead of the vice versa. And after observing the skies with his newly, made-by-himself, telescope, he presented the model of the solar system almost exactly like what we study nowadays, and for that he was sentenced to a lifetime imprisonment by the Catholic Church. And that is not all, when Charles Darwin proposed the Theory of Evolution; he was opposed quite aggressively by various religious tenets for his blasphemous conjecture.

The same attitude was adopted by Islamic religious sects which led Islam's Golden Age of scientific developments during the 8th and 15th century, to its decline. Though many great scholars, physicist and mathematicians worked hard to produce great works of scientific discoveries of the age, controversies and protests were followed by others, who rejected modern science as infiltration of corrupt western thoughts. And according to them to prevent Islam from stagnation was to stick to the Islamic studies.

According to many religious extremists, many attempts of horrendous scientific discoveries were made as a result of infidelity and disbelief in the divine power of the Almighty. But if we look at the history of scientists, we would find them as much devoted to their religion as they were to the science. Galileo was a devote catholic, his strong religious bearing led him to ponder more and more in nature and make numerous remarkable discoveries. Many Muslim scientists, most notably Avveroes, who was among the greatest contributors to the Golden Age of Islamic history was a devoted Muslim scholar.

This is only a fragment of huge backdrop of controversies, conflicts, banishments, imprisonments, accusations and even bloodshed against men of science for the sake of saving religious doctrines from destruction. But it's not only religion which taken the aggressive side against science, its science as well which keeps making doubtful assumptions about probability of God, and rejection of the existence of many principles that form the basis by many religious beliefs.

Even though many scientists are found to be devoted to both religion and science and are struggling hard to bring the two of them together, there are many scientists, when questioned about God, were are found to be non-believers of any kind of religion or God. For them only physical world exists. But the idea of a Godless world is quite frightening even to the non-believers. I can't imagine a world being left to the mercy of human beings, with no God to watch over us and guide us. What would happen to the faith and hopes of millions of people if they were to be told that there is no God and they have been praying, sacrificing, preparing for a better afterlife for nothing?

However, science is nowhere near in proving that. Science can suggest theory of evolution, trace back our ancestors, but can it trace their origin? Science itself says that nothing comes into being on its own accord than how did life first originated? What is the great source of power behind all that if it is not God? There is so much science has yet to discover to make assumptions like these.

Science has also succeeded in creating dents in faiths of numerous people who have respect for both sects. Because the world isn't divided into religious zealots and scientific nerds, what about those people who regard both science and religion equally important. The conflict between these two have led immense amount of confusion among people. They don't know what to believe in because if one proves a thing, the other rejects it.

But it is religion which gives answers when science fails. It fills up gaps which science has left empty. It is faith in the Almighty that helps the poor, the sick and the lonely to find his strength when science fails. While science creates weapons of mass destruction, it is religion which brings hope and peace to people in war. I'm not saying that science is only destructive or religion is only conservative. Both have done great things for the human kind. Faith works wonders everyday in people's lives, bringing them closer, bonding them with love and science make thousands of development each day to make life easier for us.

Science and religion are not contradictory to each other. Their methods may differ but they both struggle to find the same truth that connects us all together and that is, nearness to God.

Article Source:

Rock Spirituality - The Religion of Rock

By []Matthew Lacey

Do you sometimes feel as though Rock N' Roll is your religion or spirituality. Is there a philosophy behind being a musician or a Rocker. I feel that there is. As a member of The Rock Warrior Alliance I adhere to the teachings of Rock Spirituality. Rock Spirituality is akin to water. It can change forms any times it needs to yet it is not something different when it changes.

Water in a bath tub takes the shape of the tub yet it is still water. Rock Spirituality has been known to take the form of many different religions and spiritualities. It as a hybrid of truth based on the teachings of love from Christianity, and Compassion and Wisdom from Buddhism. It is known to follow the Tao, It is Zen, and It is one with Allah. It's everything useful about religion and spirituality and a rejection of everything useless.

One of the main questions I get is, "Your different so what you consider useless is something I might find useful." If this is your question than I must say follow your own path. Not everyone can take the Rock Warrior Path. The Rock Warrior Path chooses you. You didn't choose to be born but you were. I didn't choose to be a Rock Warrior but I am. The Rock Warrior knows that being a Rock Warrior is just a title. In Rock Spirituality you choose your own tenets you consider useful as long as no harm is brought to others. The way of The Rock Warrior is not to hurt. Bruce Lee said Jeet Kune Do was not to hurt. Was Bruce Lee a Rock Warrior. You bet he was. He was a Rock Warrior who preferred Martial Arts to be his art.

Rocking and Music are both arts. Art is Art. JKD is only different in form, in space they are all expressions of the individual. JKD was not a set style with a set list of moves that never changed. It was a personal quest to discover what it meant to be free. New moves were added and removed depending on the individual. The Rock Warrior is no different.

Please Visit The []Rock Spirituality Site if you wish to know more, or visit the practitioners site []Zen Guitar And The Way Of The Rock Warrior
To Learn all the ways of rock go here... []Zen Guitar And The Way Of The Rock Warrior

Approved By The Rock Warrior Alliance

Article Source:

The Mormon Religion Origin Is Not That Old

By []George Kissi

The teachings of the Mormon faith are based on what they refer to as a divine ordination of their founder, Joseph Smith, in the year 1820. This Mormon religion origin is said to have occurred when Smith saw a vision of Christ, who gave him instruction on how to reestablish his true church on earth. According to Smith, Christ told him that Christianity had experienced a great apostasy from his original teachings, and Smith was being entrusted with instructions on how to restore true faith.

The Mormon religion origin is also based on the teaching that Joseph Smith saw these instructions as divinely ordaining him to establish a church according to these instructions. He felt that he was now the successor in a long line of priests that began with Aaron, the brother of Moses. This authority granted him the right to ordain other priests, ministers, and so on. He also felt that he had the authority to dictate rules and guides when it came to one's personal life, teaching that marriage and children were part of God's destiny for his followers. The Mormon religion origins established not just the Mormon Church but also gave its followers an entire manual that they needed to follow for every part of their lives.

While Mormonism claims to be Christian and to follow the teachings of the Bible and of Jesus Christ, Mormon religion origins deeply adhere to those original writings of Joseph Smith, some of which actually conflict with the Bible and with Jesus' own words.

For more information about the Mormon Religion Origin visit

Article Source:

The Religion of Bio-Psychiatry

By []Dan Edmunds

If we examine the term 'psychotherapy' we will see that it literally means the 'healing of the soul'. Much of emotional distress is actually a spiritual problem, where an individual has lost meaning and hope. In today's society, we have lost sight of spiritual values and many have in turn decided to turn to the religion of bio-psychiatry.

Bio-psychiatry has a creed, the creed is that all problems of life are the result of so-called chemical imbalances. Any professional or individual challenging such conception is branded a heretic and subject to sanction.

The psychiatrist is the priest, and in some cases is also looked upon as a messianic figure. As the priest, the psychiatrist defines the Social Law and the infractions thereof.

The religion of bio-psychiatry has its 'sacraments.' The sacrament of initiation occurs at intake, and confirmation occurs when the individual is indoctrinated into the credo of bio-psychiatry and led to believe that their problems lie in 'wiring' problems in their brains.

The religion of psychiatry has absolution. Through their ritual, adults and institutions are able to be completely absolved from taking any responsibility for meeting the real emotional needs of a person or examining how their own actions and choices could have impacted the challenges faced by the individual.

Ordination occurs at the conferring of the Medical Degree and the completion of a residency in psychiatry.

The religion of bio-psychiatry has the 'sacrament' of Matrimony. Bio-Psychiatry is wedded to the pharmaceutical industry, and what a generous dowry the pharmaceutical industry has provided!

The American Psychiatric Association serves as the "Ecumenical Council" to promulgate the creed of bio-psychiatry and to institute the definitions of the Social Law and the infractions thereof.

The Bible of bio-psychiatry is the DSM-IV.

The Deity is the enormous ego of the bio-psychiatrists themselves.

by Dan L. Edmunds, Ed.D.

Article Source:

I Do Not Follow Religion Per se - I Follow The Teachings Of The King James Bible As Best I Can

By []Charles Crosby

Now what is wrong with this statement? It looks innocent enough doesn't it?

"I do not follow religion per-se" What does this remark mean? In the Concise Oxford Dictionary it states: per-se - by or in itself; intrinsically. So this person doesn't follow religion essentially or in itself, but there is a 'but' in there somewhere, so what is this person actually saying? This person is saying they do not follow religion because it's essential but rather because they feel a certain loose attachment to it and follow it in a: "well we cannot deny it; the Christian religion exists, so there must be something to it. Otherwise all these people with whom I rub shoulders each Sunday, must be wrong and there is no way that that can be the case - it's been going on for two thousand years." Now, I am not saying this is the definite reasoning behind this persons thoughts but I would wager it's not far off. Aren't you judging this person, I hear you say? No, because as I said there is most definitely a 'but' in this person's statement. If they didn't follow religion - period, that is what they would have said, but they didn't. If they had, there would have been no 'per-se.'

Let's now deal with the next part of this statement and ask the question: Should we follow the teachings of the King James Bible as best we can? Partly yes and definitely no, is the plain and simple answer to this question. I said partly yes to the first part because the King James Bible like all Bibles has errors within its pages. If, therefore, we go blindly believing every word that is written therein we are going to end up in big, big trouble. Not because The King James Holy Bible is not The Word of God, because it is. The problem is not with the Word of God but with the human influences and agendas of the men who have polluted and corrupted The Word of God when translating it, from the Hebrew in the Old Testament and from the Greek in the New Testament. In those original forms there is not much wrong with it, but in its English forms it's a minefield and we have to be very, very careful in how we study and read it.

So, to answer the first part of this question correctly; no, we should not follow the teachings of the King James Bible until we have thoroughly checked it out. This rule of thumb applies even more so to modern translations as they have even more errors than the King James Bible, especially the ESV and NIV Bibles - and surprise, surprise, these are mainstream Christianity's favourites!! To support this, my advice on this problem, there were people in the first century that Paul mentions as excellent examples of how we should behave when studying the Word of God i.e. never take anything on face value:

Acts 17:10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Here we can see that these people were diligent in their searching of the Holy Scriptures to make sure all was correct.

Ok, moving on and back to the original question, where we have this strange remark of "As best we can." What exactly does this mean? Well, basically, it means we are following the teachings of the King James Bible under our own strength; our own abilities; our own effort; our own toil and struggles. This is all about the 'self' not The Lord Jesus Christ. We are doing the best we can, but what if our best is not good enough? Horror of horrors, what if we strive and struggle for the whole of our lives doing the best we can in following the teachings of the King James Bible only to be told by The Lord Jesus Christ, when we stand before Him, "Go away for I do not know you." What kind of shock will that be for this person and people like him/her? He or she is under the delusion that his/her name is written in the book of life, but nothing could be further from the Truth, if they think that salvation is all about them doing the best that they can.

Now, what's so wrong with our doing the best we can? Answer: it's there, right in the middle of that sentence - our doing. Therein lies the problem - he's doing the doing instead of accepting the fact that it's already all been done - for him. The Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice took care of all the "doing the best we can." Why? Why, because for the very simple reason our best just isn't good enough, nor could it ever be good enough after a million years of striving and struggling to improve ourselves. This doing the best we can business is all blasphemous Old Covenant teaching - salvation by works. Even then, in those times, man doing his best wasn't good enough because animals had to be repetitively slaughtered and offered to God as sacrifices and/or as atonements for their failings when all their good enough-ness slipped or faded like the morning mist, as it always does, and they sinned.

Let's get this straight, if The Lord Jesus Christ thought that our doing our best was good enough then He wouldn't have come to this earth and suffered the degradation of an evil crucifixion and to take all our sins with Him. All of our sins - past, present and future, they have all been dealt with for all of humanity and for all time - once and once only. In turn, His Resurrection gave us the opportunity to be made anew - new people, perfect in The Father's sight. Our doing the best we can has nothing to do with it, it's all meaningless vanity. All our 'doing the best we can' amounts to, is self-improvement and anyone can enter a programme of doing that, even the unsaved. The problem is, all 'our doing' is worthless when we come to the matter of salvation.

This person then went on to say: "You know me, you know I fail, but I know Jesus forgives." Now what's wrong with this remark, because it all sounds so very sincere and Holy doesn't it - but is it? You see, straight away, we can see that this person does not understand Grace and Salvation, this person says "Jesus forgives" but does Jesus forgive? No, Jesus has already forgiven, He forgave mankind utterly and completely nearly two thousand years ago, it was all done there and then. This person thinks, like most of mainstream Christianity, that The Lord's forgiveness of our sins is a never ending on going process, when it is not, it was all done at Calvary - everything! (Please see my article "Is repetitive confession of sins Biblical?)

John 19:30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

This is the verse that this person does not understand. He/she doesn't understand that the Lord's word's here mean exactly what they say - "It's finished" What was finished - the conquering of death and sin, both things were defeated. Now when we're Born Again we should start living as if they are conquered and defeated, but many do not, they carry on as if The Lord Jesus Christ had never come, just like Old Covenant people, trying to overcome sin under their own strength - sin that has already been defeated and forgiven. This person also admits to repetitive failure stating: "You know me, you know I fail" Of course we fail, that's all part of the human condition. It is because we always fail that The Lord Jesus Christ came in the first place. He came and didn't fail and said: "If you believe in Me and keep on believing in Me you will not fail either, even though in your fleshly bodies you will fail." Now because this person is not under Grace, but under his/her own programme of self-improvement, the self-flagellation kicks in and his or her life is made permanently miserable and wretched by his/her own thought processes. This person is, in other words, held captive and in bondage to a self-imposed regime of salvation by works. This person will probably have learnt all this blasphemous nonsense from a ravening wolf in a pulpit at a 'church' near you. Please take this as a serious warning as your eternal Spiritual welfare depends upon it.

Then we have: "I know that on the day I take my final breath, and stand before the throne of God, my name will appear in the book of life." Here again we can see the mainstream Christian 'teaching' reveal itself. When this person takes his or her final breath they will die just like everyone else. (Please see my articles "When Christians die do they instantly "Go to be with the Lord?"") Furthermore, our names are written in The Book of Life when we are Born Again not when we take our final breath:

Phil 4:3 And I entreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other my fellowlabourers, whose names are in the book of life. From this evidence alone we can see how poorly taught this person is.

Finally, we come to the last part of this person's statement which reveals completely his/her deluded state of mind: "I accepted Christ May 6 1992. I also know that in the book of life, a column for what religion does not exist." If this person 'accepted' The Lord Jesus Christ on May 6 1992 then what this person is telling us is, that right from the word go Salvation was dependent upon him/her - it was all dependent upon this person's decision and not God's decision. John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. We must not underestimate the delusional arrogance encapsulated in this fantastical idea. This idea permeates mainstream Christianity as a whole not just the head of this silly person whom I am using as a living example.

The overall consensus within mainstream Christianity is this: the tail wags the dog - Ok, and don't you forget it! I decide whether or not I'm saved and when, not God. If I choose not to accept Jesus Christ then that's my prerogative, my privilege; who's in charge here anyway; who does this Jesus Christ think He is!!?? Now some of you may laugh at this scenario but make no mistake this is how they think and it is delusional error on a grand scale. Just to round off, we then have a lie and contradiction saying there is a column in the Book of Life which says religion does not exist. Well I have news for this person, there is no such column in The Book of Life because religion is the way of death not life. This person's delusional thinking is complete.

Following Jesus Christ is not religion!!

Charles Crosby.

Article Source:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

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